Defeating Blogger’s Block: Five Easy Tips on How to Blog When You’ve Nothing to Write About

You’re sitting down at your PC or laptop.  You’ve finally caught up with the day’s tasks to the point that you actually have a chance to take a second or 10 to lean back and catch your breath for a bit.  But, around the 4th or 5th second, your mind inherently starts to scour the database for activities to stay productive and BOOM!!! It occurs to you that this would be an excellent time to write a new post for your blog – you know, the one that has been collecting e-dust since it was last updated seven weeks ago.

So you fire up your blogging account, impressed with yourself that you were able to guess your own password on the first attempt.  You click the ‘Add New Post’ link on the dashboard and a moment later a fresh canvas awaits – a blank white box and a blinking cursor just waiting to be filled with your wit and expertise.

You begin to rack your brain for a quick nugget of knowledge that you can share with your readers.  Five minutes go by – but no internal inspiration spills onto the page.

You start looking around the room, seeking a topic of interest to magically ascend from the cylinder of ink pens on your desk, or perhaps an interesting tidbit may leap gracefully from the pockets of your laptop bag and onto the screen.  But alas, there is no inspiration to be found from the random objects in your office.

So you start to read some of your old blog posts.  While this is often a great antidote to blogger’s block, this time it fails you.

Frustration begins to set in.  You begin scouring your bookmarks and sites in your RSS reader in order to find something – anything that might make for a halfway decent article.  At this point, discussing the pros and cons of the fold vs. wad technique is beginning to look like a viable topic of conversation.

Finally, after 45 minutes in front of your screen and only a working title and a sentence or two to show for it, you finally give up and move on to more pressing tasks, leaving the tumbleweeds to continue to occupy the online space that houses your blog.

Does any of that sound familiar to you?

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way.  There are easy ways to get past the usual blocks that typify the frustrations a blogger can frequently encounter.  A few simple mindset adjustments will greatly enhance the blogging experience for both you and your readers.

Blog topics are everywhere.  No matter what niche you happen to write for, there are always dozens of things to write about.  Here are five tips for avoiding the traps of blogger’s block:

1) Tap into your expertise. Identify common problems within your niche that people are looking to solve.  If you’ve answered a question about your topic in the past, expand on that in a blog post.

2) Practice ‘mind-mapping’. This is a technique used by many people that can be very helpful in identifying stuff to write about.

3) Stumble Upon. If you don’t have SU, sign up for an account and download the toolbar.  Not only is it highly entertaining, but it can also expose you to a lot of awesome information you’d otherwise have missed.  Set your preferences to items pertaining to your topic, and stumble your way to a million article ideas.

4) Change your mindset. The time that you’re sitting in front of your PC is NOT the only time you’re blogging.  Think of blogging as a 24/7 activity.  99% of the time that you’re hit with an idea for a great blog post, you won’t be sitting in front of your computer ready to bang it out.  You’ll be in a restaurant, or in Home Depot, or watching a movie, or having a conversation with a colleague.  Be prepared to copy the idea down before it escapes your melon and floats aimlessly toward the ionosphere.  If you’ve got a cell phone that was manufactured after 1999, it will have a note-taking or voice-recording feature which you should utilize to save ideas for a rainy day.  Like a great photographer, be ready to capture that moment that an awesome idea comes to you.

5) When you get the chance, start a new post with a few quick notes about the topic and save it as a draft. This is especially helpful when ideas are plentiful.  Then, when you’re short on stuff to say, you can go back to your stable of unfinished blog posts and go to town!

How about it?  What did I miss?  What’s your best method for defeating blogger’s block?

How to Find a Job in the 21st Century Part 1

We’ve all seen the horrific news spewing daily from the talking heads on the cable news channels like Fox News and CNN for example, as well as the ‘in-depth’ analysis on the nightly news endlessly illustrating the dire shape that the economy is on.  While the information is fundamentally true, the truth is that the job market isn’t nearly as bad as people perceive it to be.

I know right now you’re thinking that I am full of shit and an easy counterpoint is to simply pick up a copy of today’s Detroit Free Press and compare the ‘Employment’ section of the newspaper to one from two years ago.  While this is a valid argument, it doesn’t invalidate the fact that things aren’t as bad as they seem.

Consider this: The economy is in recession.  This is due to the fact that it was artificially inflated as a result of Government deregulation of the market in the early 80′s and bills by Congress in the mid 90′s requiring lending institutions to lax their standards of credit-worthiness.  What this has caused is an accentuation of the natural ups and downs of the economic cycle.  A massive period of growth was followed by an epic freefall when the inevitable downswing occurred.

The record upturn of the economy in the 90′s created an impressive increase in jobs.  The subsequent recession took those jobs away.

What does all this mean?  There are a few things we can take away from this.  First, manufacturing jobs will go where manufacturing labor is cheapest.  If unskilled labor is 400% cheaper in Mexico or South Korea, American businesses are going to see that as an attractive alternative to the higher operating costs here in the U.S.  I know it sucks, but that’s the reality.  Many of the manufacturing jobs that were lost in the past 24 months are not coming back.

Another unfortunate byproduct of the shrinking of the economy is the fact that highly skilled workers are willing to work for less than they’d normally cost.  This affords employers the luxury of being able to retain premium employees at a discount.  For that reason, people lose their jobs when more talented prospects come along and take their place for the same money.

For this reason, many people need to adapt to a new paradigm in order to find work in this new economy.  Even as the market shows improvement, it is apparent that comes types of jobs are probably not ever going to come back.

Lose Your Prejudices

A conversation with a middle-aged gentleman I met recently (we’ll call him Gary) at a networking event illustrated the very mindset that needs to change in order to meet the challenge of finding work in this new economy.  We got into a conversation when both of us were nomadically roaming the outskirts of the party.  He expressed his frustration that his college degree was largely irrelevant and the job market was squeezing him out in that employers prefer younger people due to the fact they are generally more inexpensive and more malleable than their older, job-seeking counterparts.  I spent about 15 minutes giving him some solid advice on how to find work in the digital age.  I encouraged him to continue to network with people in his industry by way of social media (especially Linkedin) and to establish an online presence (like a blog) where he can demonstrate his expertise due to his two decades of experience in his industry.

While he acknowledged that these sounded like good suggestions, Gary was largely dismissive in that he was convinced that the internet doesn’t apply to his industry.

(I’ll pause briefly until you stop laughing.)

You see, Gary assumed that since that since he doesn’t see the value in the internet with respect to his line of work, that everyone else shares that same disregard for what an online presence can do.  After our conversation, I was left wondering how many people still view the internet as a passing fad and fail to see the value in what it has to offer, especially those of older generations who are still clinging onto a pre-digital existence.

People like Gary are going to have to alter their mindsets to conform to the fact that the world is changing faster than ever before, and those who fail to do so risk being permanent ostracized due to their obsolescence.

Coming Soon: Part Two: Some Important Tips for Finding Work in the New Economy

The Success Divide: Fact or Fallacy?

“Whether you believe you can or you can’t, you’re right.” -Henry Ford

In many ways the world is naturally segregated, both socially and ethnically.  And within each divide, there is a perceived class that everyone fits into in one capacity or another.  One of the sad byproducts of this phenomenon is the fact that it generally congregates all of the successful people into one class and leaves everyone else on the outside looking in, only to hopelessly ponder the seemingly uncrackable code of how to get a slice of the pie known as ‘The Good Life’ for themselves.


And, while this paradigm of society has held true since the beginning of civilized man, the imaginary barriers between the Haves and the Have-Nots is eroding at an mind-blowing rate.  And the fact is, as Gary Vaynerchuk once stated matter-of-factly, there’s plenty of room at the top.

The separation of the successful from the semi-successful and unsuccessful people is not an accident.  It is human nature for like-minded individuals to gravitate to one another.  There isn’t a concocted plan to squeeze out the little people – the reason successful people wind up in the same circles is simple: they purge negative influences and toxic people from their lives.

Think of it this way: Have you ever bounced an idea off of someone and had them give you a dozen reasons as to why it won’t work?  Who was this person?  Was this someone who’s achieved great things for themselves?  Probably not.  Chances are pretty good that this person was a failure at many things themselves.  And, if there’s one thing an unsuccessful person loathes, it’s the success of other people – because it serves as a reminder to them of what a loser they are (whether this is actually true or not is irrelevant).

If you have people like this in your life, you need to let them go.  They are holding you back.  Everyone who you allow into your circles must wish you nothing but the greatest success.  It doesn’t matter what they’ve achieved in their own lives.  Considerations for the way that people will react when you succeed is a symptom of the fear of success.  You have to proceed knowing that you need to leave those negative people behind.

The greatest myth is the fallacy that the upper echelon of high-achieving people are deliberately trying to wall the lower class people out.  Not only is this almost universally untrue, many of these perceived ‘successful people’ will actually be more than willing to help you achieve your dreams, and happy to do so*.

The wall between you and the success you want to achieve isn’t made out of 1″ bulletproof glass; nor is it made out of reinforced concrete.  And, there’s no barbed wire at the top and there are no angry man-eating Rottweilers on the other side, either.  The wall is in your head.  And the sooner you realize that the only thing holding you back from achieving the things you want to accomplish and living the lifestyle that success has to offer is you, you’ll see that the walls you’ve imagined into existence can be torn down as easily as they were built up in the first place.

*A nice resource for interviews with successful individuals from a variety of business mediums is David Siteman Garland’s site: The Rise to the Top.

Using Twitter for Business AND Pleasure (Part 2)

If you’re not a people person, or if you’re really only looking for a way to get your message out as cheaply and broadly as possible, you should probably stop reading here.

Do you know what the difference between Facebook and Twitter is?  Facebook is more like a reunion and Twitter is like a virtual cocktail party.

What that means in a nutshell is that you use the two tools differently with respect to how you connect with people.

The most successful Twitter users view the site as somewhat of a glorified chat room.  You are constantly making contact with new people by way of retweets, mentions and the like.  The whole never talk to strangers bit of wisdom that was drilled into our heads as kids has no place in this medium of communication.

In order to use Twitter effectively, a mindset of ‘connecting’ has to be learned before anything else can go forward.  The idea is to try to connect with as many people as you can, whether they’re really relevant to your business or not.  And by connecting, I don’t mean reciprocal following just to inflate your ‘audience’.  Twitter is not a tool for blasting your message with the hope that someone interested will act on it.  Twitter is for engaging people and building your brand.

The most successful users of Twitter, like Chris Brogan (@ChrisBrogan) for example, have 10′s of thousands of followers and engage them by talking to them like people.  The ‘chitchat’ can range from personal stuff to comments about current events to business topics.  In other words, they interact like normal humans do.

The reality is this:  People like Chris Brogan and Shaquille O’Neal (@therealshaq) and Brian Clark from CopyBlogger (@copyblogger) and many other Twitter rock stars use the tool not as a means of self-promotion, but as a way to connect with people on a basic level – and they successfully build their personal brands by proxy.  And, they have a blast doing it.

Unless you’re a news entity like The Huffington Post (@huffingtonpost), no one wants to follow you if you’re only going to use Twitter to spout off announcements about your latest blog post, or the latest affiliate item your pimping.  There’s really no enjoyment in that, anyway.

Whether you’re just starting out or if you’ve had an account for a while, if you have a desire to increase your influence on Twitter, here are a few guidelines to help you get going:

  • Follow people who are already successful in the niche you’re in and see how they use Twitter to reach people.
  • Follow people whom you are interested in what they have to say.  If they provide value, retweet their good posts with a [@twitteruser] mention so they’ll notice (currently, simply clicking the ‘retweet’ link on the post does not accomplish this – you have to retweet manually in order to mention them in the post).
  • Reach out to people with common interests – and to those who follow you.  You can use to query keywords that are related to your business.
  • Don’t be afraid to ‘butt into’ a conversation.  Remember, this is a cocktail party.  You’re SUPPOSED to eavesdrop and join the conversation.  It’s safe to assume that anyone who posts anything on Twitter is looking for dialog.  What’s the worst thing that can happen?  They don’t respond to your post and everyone moves on?  Just make sure you’re not talking just to hear yourself talk.  That’s a good way to get unfollowed fast.
  • Have fun with it!  There are no rules.  Twitter presents a fantastic way to connect with tons of interesting people.

I was resistant to Twitter for a long time because I thought it was stupid and pointless.  Then it finally occurred to me that Twitter wasn’t going anywhere, and that the conversation was taking place whether I was a part of it or not.  The biggest mistake a person can make when trying to build their business or personal brand is to ignore their clients/audience.  You have to go to where the people are.  They’ll tell you exactly what you want to know – for free – all you have to do is ask!

Still think Twitter is Stupid? Here’s How to Use Twitter for Business AND Pleasure (Part 1)

“No one gives a shit about what you had for breakfast.”

That’s the first line of defense from all Twitter resisters.  They immediately disregard the medium as a whole and reduce it down to a bunch of people pretentiously sharing useless tidbits about their daily lives.  As a reformed Twitter resister myself, I know this mindset all too well.


It took me a long time to warm up to this 140 character phenomenon.  After all, I already had an account on Myspace (which I no longer have), and then I joined Facebook too – what the hell did I need another time-sucking social network to maintain for?

I am by nature a non-conformist.  Always have been.  I’ve never been one to participate in something just because everyone else was doing it.  Nor would I do things the way they’d always been done because that was the way they were done.  Furthermore, the whole Twitter premise seemed like another fad that’d invariably be gone as soon as the next big thing came to light. With all of this in mind, combined with the perceived pointlessness of the application as a whole, I decided that I’d sit this one out.

That was about 15 months ago.

I’ve obviously come around to it.  I eventually created an account and followed a handful of people I knew and made a few tweets here and there.  But it wasn’t until I saw a presentation by social media expert Laura Bergells (@maniactive) at the Mindshare Seminar that I decided that Twitter is more than a passing blip on the radar and that maybe I should take it seriously.

I am not going to post a ’10 ways to use Twitter’ type of article.  There’s enough of that already that a simple Google search will turn up.  Here’s how to use Twitter as a tool for your business, with an element of entertainment to boot.

(Right now a lot of you are probably thinking to yourself something along the lines of ‘this clown only has 200 followers… what the hell makes him think he can teach me anything?‘)

Here’s the answer to that quite legitimate bit of apprehension: This is not a post on how to get a bunch of followers on Twitter.  Again, there’s enough about that topic already posted on the web.  This post is about how to enjoyably use the tool without making it feel like a complete waste of time.

Every social endeavor on the web – from Twitter and Facebook to Youtube to your blog and even instant messaging has one thing that universally applies: You have concentrate on other people and take the focus off of yourself.

With Twitter, the best way to be successful is to offer way more by way of value than simply trying to get the word out about what you want your followers to know.  I personally look at the followers I have as people who’ve decided that they liked enough of what they know about me to care about what I have to say.  This is paralleled by the number of people I currently follow, which is about 300.  Are there more that I would like to follow?  yes of course, but I don’t know them yet.

This is one of the reasons that I don’t have 2,000 or 5,000 or more followers – and that I don’t follow that many people, either.  A lot of professional people on Twitter will follow you with hopes of reciprocity.  There are tools available to identify which of the people you follow are also following you.  I get alerts a couple of times every single day that someone who wouldn’t seem to have any interest to what I do is now following me on Twitter.  When I don’t follow them back, they ‘unfollow’ me within a day or so.  If you look around a little, you’ll see that a large number of the people with tons and tons of followers also are following a very similar amount.  This reflects a desire to simply build a massive amount of followers without regard to who they are or how they can connect with them.

Your follower count does not reflect the size of your audience, or how important you are in the Twitter community.  Of the 200 or so people that currently follow me, I can go through the list and identify who most of them are without even reading their bio.  Would I be able to do with 10,000 random people that I followed just to keep them following me?

Furthermore, just because someone has 35,000 Twitter followers does not mean that they have access to 70,000 eyeballs.  An estimated 80% of all Twitter accounts are dormant.  Anyone with that many superficial followers is reaching a helluva lot less people than they think they are or claim to be.

Rather than viewing Twitter as an advertising tool, try to think of it as a means to make connections.  If someone follows you out of the blue, and it seems that it was appropriate for them to do so and not just some self-serving hack trying to inflate his follower count, make contact.  Send them a quick thank you and learn a bit about them by reading their bio.  Ask them how they found you and how you can help them.Another skewing factor in the numbers game that has become the Twitter follower race is the fact that when a Tweet is posted, it is only on your follower’s screen until enough of the other people they follow have tweeted afterward to push it off the page.  This can be anywhere from one minute or less to an hour.  In other words, you have to hope your tweet coincides with the time they happen to be on the page.  While there are tools like Tweetdeck that are developed to help people not miss as many tweets, even with a high follower count, it’s likely that one specific message tweeted a single time isn’t actually going to reach very many people.

Coming next week: Part 2:  How to Engage Your Twitter Followers.

The Dos and Don’ts of Google Adwords Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising on Google Adwords and other networks can be one of the most time effective, efficient ways to drive decent amounts of targeted traffic to your website in short order.  A well thought out plan that targets the correct visitors and caters to their needs will almost certainly pay dividends in the long run.

That said, it amazes me the amount of companies on the web that are doing an abhorrently horrific job with what is ultimately a pretty simple exercise when executed properly.  For that reason, I, along with my friend and Mindscape employee Jim Buchanan, have put together this simple guide consisting of the Dos and Don’t of Google Adwords to running a smooth, profitable PPC campaign.

The term ‘pay-per-click’ means exactly what the name implies; that the advertiser only pays the publisher when someone clicks on an ad to their site – also known as a ‘clickthrough’.  The amount of times an ad is displayed (impressions) is notwithstanding.  This is not to be confused with ‘cost-per-mil’ (CPM), or banner advertising, where the advertiser pays the publisher a predetermined flat rate to display their ad(s) on a page; or with cost-per-action (CPA) advertising, where the advertiser only pays the publisher when the visitor clicks the ad, visits the advertiser’s site and takes a desired action, be it signing up for a membership of some sort, or making a purchase, etc.

The Dos and Don’ts of Google Adwords

DO perform sufficient keyword research before deciding which keyword phrases to target with your campaign.  The Google Adwords Keywood Tool is free to use and produces substantial information that is critical to the success of your efforts.  The research when done right, will produce results you hadn’t expected and will uncover opportunities you never knew existed.

DON’T select the keywords to target purely on the basis of search volume.  While the thought of 100,000 monthly searches for a given phrase is alluring, there are significant downsides to ignoring other, more important factors.  First, consider the fact that a highly searched phrase is going to have more advertiser competition – and the more competition means the cost to target that keyword will be higher.  Second, and more important than the cost factor, consider the relevance of the keyword with respect to the searcher’s desires, and compare that to the actions on your website that you’d like the visitor to take (conversion).  If the keyword is not conducive to these conditions, it is not worth the higher cost to justify the lower conversion rate.

A great example of this is the phrase “Project Management.”  The phrase gets over 4,000,000 searches a month according to the Google Keyword Tool.  Predictable, the advertiser competition is high due to the high amount of search volume – which can drive the price as high as $3 – $6 per click.  But, a quick search on Google produces some discouraging results.  The listings on the first page range from construction firms to project management software, to a Wikipedia entry to online secondary education entities.  With these types of varying results, this keyword phrase may not be the most effective, when you consider the cost and the fact that the term means different things to different people – indicating that you’ll only be targeting a fraction of the search volume at best.

DO take the time to craft your ads that will cater to the needs of your target audience, using the correct keywords as a result of your research.  When you’re paying to get

people to your site, it’s critical to make sure that the people you’re paying to attract are actually interested in your products or services.

DON’T take the brick and mortar retail philosophy to your online marketing efforts.  Just getting them in the door isn’t good enough.  The best PPC ads LEAD DIRECTLY TO OR AS CLOSE TO THE TARGETED PAGE AS POSSIBLE.  So many companies operate their campaigns by pointing all of their ads to lead to the home page of their site – therefore expecting the visitor – that they paid to attract mind you – to do more searching on your site in order to find what they’re looking for.  If a customer is in a retail store, and they know that the item they’re seeking is in the store somewhere, they’ll hunt for it even if that means they have to walk around the store for 10 minutes until they find it.  It’s more of an inconvenience to drive three miles to the next competitor because their store is laid out better – so the battle is to get them in the door and the rest takes care of itself.

DO make turn your PPC ads into portals to give your prospective customers a direct path the what they’re seeking.  On the internet, a visitor can leave your site and visit the next one on the list in less than 10 seconds.  Give them what they want as efficiently as you can, and they’re guaranteed to be more likely to choose you over your competitors.

DON’T write your ads to try to attract as many visitors as possible*.  If someone is looking for fishing lures, and you’ve written a generic ad targeting all sorts of angling equipment even though you only sell pontoon boats, your ad will mislead many people into clicking and visiting your site and they’ll stay for about eight or nine seconds until they realize that you don’t offer what they’re after.  They’ll bounce out of your site as quickly as they arrived and move on to your competitor, forgetting about you and only leaving you a little lighter in your advertising budget.  The more narrowly focused your niche, the more specific your ad needs to be.  Would you rather pay $500 a day to get five buyers or would you rather spend $50 a day to attract those same five buyers?

*This is universally true unless you sell virtually every type of item imaginable, like Target or  Sites like those show up in paid listings for literally’s 100’s of thousands of keywords, and literally spend 100’s of thousands of dollars A DAY in order to ‘get people in the door’ – the rationale being that any visitor will likely find something to buy aside from the item they were initially seeking.

DO test and measure.  The beauty of PPC advertising is that you can set a daily budget, along with a maximum you’re willing to pay per click (bid) for a particular keyword.  The data that you can derive from these activities is invaluable in that you can learn a great deal about which advertising practices are effective without spending tons of money.  Furthermore, the data is in real time.

Another hidden benefit of PPC ad campaigns is that the data allows the advertiser to identify keywords that are profitable, and optimize their site to attract organic traffic.

DON”T believe for one minute that operating a PPC campaign is a ‘set-it-and-forget-it’ endeavor.

Offline advertising mediums such a billboard and television ads are costly, and their effectiveness is speculative at best.  The internet allows you to experiment for a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing tactics, and then adjust your strategies according to what’s working and what isn’t.

What has your experience been with PPC advertising?  Share your thoughts by dropping a comment below.

Avoid Productivity Busters Like the Plague

Eight days ago I got one of those new DROID phones – the latest do-all gadget from Motorola and Google.  I finally put it down for the first time a few minutes ago.

You’ll notice that there has only been one new post in the past eight days as well.  This is not a coincidence.  It’s hard to type one handed.

During the course of the  last week, I have downloaded and set-as-default numerous new ringtones (currently I am on the ‘Magnum P.I.’ theme song), needlessly activated the turn-by-turn voice directions to locations I’ve driven to a thousand times, checked email incessantly, Tweeted, Facebooked, texted random observations to people that were sitting three feet away from me (I hope they made the L, O, : and ) keys especially sturdy), and pulled the phone from my pocket repeatedly to check my messages because I could swear I’d just felt it vibrate.  Throughout the course of engaging in these compulsively juvenile behaviors, something important occurred to me: this has been one of the most unproductive weeks I’ve had in a long time – which is why I had to work all day on Sunday.

During my days working in retail for a nationwide chain, I had a district manager who was really big on buzzwords and used to hammer them home any time the opportunity presented itself.  While many of them were superficial corporate-speak, one of the things he used to say really stuck in my mind: Avoid productivity busters like the plague.

While on the surface that phrase may seem to be little more than a fancy way of telling you to avoid distractions, there is one distinct difference that sets it apart.  Distractions are a hell of a lot easier to identify and avoid than productivity busters are.

When consciously attempting to avoid distractions, one typically associates such distractions with unexpected interruptions that require immediate action on your part.  In other words – external unanticipated demands for your attention.  While this is fundamentally accurate, a productivity buster is a more subtle, under-the-radar type of influence on the successful use of your time.

It’s easy to close the door to your office, take the battery out of your smart phone,  throw your earbuds in and go to town on the tasks at hand.  I know many business people who employ such isolationist tactics – to varying degrees of success.  But, I also know others who sabotage their own efforts to free themselves.

<rant> If you don’t want to be found, don’t tweet via foursquare where you’re at – no matter how badly you want to be the mayor of your side of the street’s Starbucks.</rant>

But productivity busters are sneakier than that – and it’s harder to realize that they’re hampering your progress until you look at the clock and it’s 3:30 and you can’t figure out where the day went and why you have nothing to show for it.

Most productivity busters lie in our own processes, and it’s up to the individual to identify inefficiencies in your routine.  For some people, the five minutes they intended to take to check Facebook & Twitter quickly balloons into 50 very unproductive and very gone minutes.  For others, it’s the fact that they allow certain tasks to expand beyond their initial purpose.  While the hindrances vary, there is a solution that universally applies.

When I set out to get something done, I’ve learned to employ a policy called JGID – coined by Paul Ferrier, co-founder of Mindscape at Hanon McKendry.  JGID stand for Just Get it Done.  It sounds simpler than it is in practice.

In order to JGID, you have to establish a few things.  The most important thing to do though is to impose deadlines.  The reason this is so critical is the fact that accountability is a huge motivator to get things accomplished.  Set deadlines, and tell someone you respect.  Tell anyone.  Post it to Facebook, Twitter – whatever you need to do to make your intentions known.  As I’ve mentioned before on this blog, if you’re having trouble holding yourself accountable, find someone who will.

Setting deadlines requires establishing milestones for what you want to accomplish.  If you estimate that a multi-phase project is going to take you eight hours to complete, break it down into individual tasks, each with their own deadline.

What this allows you do to is group all of your unproductive time into one chunk.  The fact is, your productivity busters are aren’t necessarily a bad thing.  Your Facebooking, Tweeting, bathroom

Take me for example.  I take a break every single hour and I often take a couple hours for lunch to get some exercise.  That said, it isn’t uncommon for me to be up until 11:00 pm or later wrapping up the day’s tasks.  This routine probably wouldn’t work for most people, but I am not most people.breaks, lunchtime, coffee refills, etc. are all necessary parts of who we are as people.  To cut them out would be to deprive ourselves.  The key is to schedule your productivity busters to where they’re simply healthy breaks in the action.

Between client meetings, meetings at Mindscape, varying kid responsibilities, travel time, etc. my routine on a daily basis is usually different each day.  I, for example don’t exercise daily (although I wish I would).  And, it usually takes a great deal of willpower to peel myself away from the computer at 11:00 pm to go to bed.  But again, back to accountability – I am trying – and I am writing it down so I am more likely to stick to it ?

When I first got my Droid, I hunted for a ringtone to replace the generic ‘DROID’ robotic voice that was set at the default ringtone.  I ran across a free one that was derived from the character ‘Scorpion’ from original ‘Mortal Kombat’ arcade game.  Scorpion’s signature was the spear move, where he would simultaneous growl ‘Get Over Here!!’ while shooting a spear at his opponent.  As homage to my favorite arcade game from my early teen years, I set my alert ring tone to command ‘Get Over Here!!’ anytime I received a text message, email, voice mail or mention on Twitter.

For the next day and a half, I obediently responded to the aggressive demands for my attention anytime I received an electronic message of any kind.  Then it occurred to me the irony of the whole thing:  I was allowing my phone to dictate my life!  It was literally telling me what to do, and when to do it.  I quickly downloaded a new ringtone for my alerts.

Everybody has different perspectives and ideas for how to better use our time.  How have productivity busters made your day less efficient?  How did you recognize them and what did you do about it?  I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

What a Web Marketing Strategy is not

Before we get going, ask yourself this: how much of the following scenario describes your web presence?

You’ve got a website.  You either built it yourself, or you had it designed professionally by a creative firm or freelancer.  Your website functions well and looks pretty good, yet you aren’t getting any traffic.  Or you aren’t getting enough traffic with respect to the popularity of your industry, or you aren’t getting nearly as much traffic as your competitors seem to be, despite the fact that you are considerably ‘bigger’ than they are in the traditional sense.

You’ve got a Twitter and Facebook account set up, and maybe even have secured a few friends and followers.  You’ve invested in a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising campaign on Google and maybe you’ve even experimented with banner ads on various forums and sites in your industry.  Yet despite all of your efforts, you’ve only seen minimal success online.  And you’re frustrated as hell.

The reality is this: there’s a very distinct difference between deploying a handful of arbitrary tactics and hoping for the best and actually crafting a web marketing strategy based on facts.

Toward the end of a strategy presentation meeting with a client of Mindscape recently, we went into the phase of explaining the various tactics and techniques that should be employed in order to improve the success of their website.  The dialogue is a little generic in the respect that there are only a handful of ways to effectively communicate the processes of article marketing, PPC advertising, on-site elements and calls to action, etc.

After the end of that segment of the presentation, the client was a little perturbed and voiced concern at the fact that this part of the strategy seemed to be less tailored to his business and more of a simple list of ‘to-do’ items that we recommend to every one of our clients.

He then asked how many of those tactics and action items were stuff we recommend to other clients.

“Well that depends on the client.”  I offered immediately.

After a short pause, I went on to explain my initial knee-jerk response to his question.  I told him that the descriptions of the tactics are, for lack of a better expression ‘generic’, but the strategy itself is derived by the fact that we literally spent over 100 hours of research dissecting the 1000-plus keywords relative to his business and his industry, scrutinizing the entities that are currently occupying the online space in which the client wishes to be more competitive.  We analyzed buyer personas, identified the problems visitors are looking to solve, where they’re hanging out online, and how to reach them.  We spent time considering the actions that the client ultimately wants the visitors to his site to take.  We looked at how his current site was set up and devised a plan to make improvements to the website to enhance the overall user experience – and ultimately achieve the goal of the client – which is to get more conversions through his website.

Even though we did recommend about seven different tactics to employ that will greatly improve his chances of success, there were at least a dozen methods of internet marketing techniques that we didn’t touch on, as they were irrelevant to his business model and the chances of those being effective were marginal at best, and the client’s energy and resources would be much better spent in other areas of focus.

So, going back to the opening question, how effecting are your web marketing tactics?  When you’re evaluating a particular course of action, are you taking into consideration:

  • Who your targeted visitors are?
  • Where they hang out online?
  • What problems they’re looking to solve?
  • What actions you’d like the to take once they arrive at your site?

Or, do you simply have a Facebook Fan page because someone told you you should have one?  Are you on Twitter because it’s all the rage right now and everyone seems to love it?  Are you paying $3 a click in a Google Adwords campaign for traffic from a highly competitive keyword? What are those visitors doing when they get to your site?

There are two camps with an internet presence.  There are those who take the time to consider all of the varying factors that play into the decision making process and ultimately make calculated, informed choices – and there are those who set it and forget it.

Which one are you in?

It Feels Impossible Until You do it!!

I just finished listening to an hour long podcast on The Third Tribe between Johnny Truant and Sonia Simone about what it’s like to get started in business and more specifically, how to make money online with little to no knowledge or resources.

About a third of the way through the session, something occurred to me:  with almost everything new, the hardest part is getting started.

I routinely give advice about blogging.  I’ve encountered numerous people who want to start a blog, or a business, or take up a new activity, or any number of challenging courses of action about which they know next to nothing about.

But the path to taking action is filled with self imposed roadblocks.  In an attempt to educate themselves about whatever it is they’re considering, too much information can be a destroyer of dreams.  With Information Overload, there’s a cycle that occurs.  Enthusiasm becomes overpowered by intimidation, which in turn causes petrification, leading to apprehension and ultimately ends with inaction.  In other words, the task seems so daunting that the first step is never taken.

How many times have you thought about starting a blog, or learning to roller-blade, or taking a cooking class?  Why haven’t you done it yet?

The reality of the whole situation is this:  you absolutely know one thing, and that one thing is enough to get you started in literally any challenge you wish to undertake.  And, it isn’t nearly as mysterious as it may seem.  That one thing is the fact that you know that you want to do it.

The problem is, society as a whole discourages risk-taking inherently.  We’re acutely aware of the direst consequences before we do anything that is off the beaten path.  Tell 10 people about your unique idea that is radical and daring, and six of them will tell you you’re nuts, three more won’t say anything out loud but they’ll secretly believe that you’re nuts, and only one out of those 10 people might offer encouragement.  We’ve become conditioned to choose the path of least resistance.  Play if safe and you’ll never have to worry.  We’re taught that the path to security lies in working hard through the best years of our lives; living within the means we’re able to secure while we try to save in order to survive after we’ve no more good years left to sell.

There’s something you have the desire to do, but you’re not doing it.  Why?  Don’t have the time?  The money?  Are you afraid of what will happen if you break from the status quo?  Tim Ferriss of The 4-Hour Workweek fame advises us to ask the simple question: “What’s the WORST thing that can happen?”

I once heard a motivational speaker hypothesize that the worst case scenario, as you’ve defined it in your mind, never has more than a 3-5% chance of actually coming to fruition.  Why is this?  Because things are usually not as bad as they seem.  While the risk of losing money or resources is legitimate, there’s a greater element at play.  Time is the only finite resource you have.  Money, influence and people are ALL renewable resources.  But the amount of time you have is limited, and you never know how much more of it you have remaining.  So the question is this:  Consider the time you spend doing something safe in return for whatever compensation you receive for doing so.  Is it possible that the risk of wasting your time is a much greater threat to your happiness than what you gain for do so justifies?

“It’s better to regret something you did, than something you didn’t do.”

So What is a Web Marketing Strategy?

The phrase “Internet Marketing” means different things to different people. The definition can refer to a wide variety of people using the web to promote products and services, from people pushing get-rich-quick schemes to miracle fad diets like the Acai Berry ads that you saw all over the web last year. This term can also refer to spammers and other ‘black hat’ types of underhanded behavior as a whole.

While Internet Marketing as a blanket term also would describe the services I provide for companies with ambitions to increase their digital footprint, it’s vague in its definition and often can be misinterpreted as something its not. For that reason, I prefer to refer to my services as “Web Strategy Planning and Development.”

What is it you do Again?

Web Strategy Development is a process. It’s very involved and requires a variety of steps in order to be successful. It isn’t something that can simply be thrown together without much forethought. The first step is the initial evaluation, where I meet with the client and determine among other things what the client’s goals are for the site. Whether it’s generating leads and phone calls or simply converting visits to sales, it is critical to establish what course of action you’d like the user to take. It is also important to identify who the targeted visitors are, how they use the web and the problems they are looking to solve. The companies who the client identifies as it’s main competition is also important.

After the initial brainstorming session, the research process begins. The first stage of this is keyword research. This is a painstaking effort to discover the phrases and words that your prospective visitors are using. This is also critical in determining what problems the targeted audiences are seeking solutions online for.

After the keyword research is completed, the competitor identification process begins. In order to be successful online, it is critical to find out who is currently operating in the online space in which you will be competing. It is crucial to look at the competitors’ websites, their strengths, their weaknesses, their activities and efforts by way of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns they may be operating, SEO and linkbuilding strategies they may be employing, etc.

It is only once all of the data has been obtained, organized, studied and scrutinized that a web marketing strategy plan can be developed. Without this information, building a website becomes a guessing game; a crapshoot as to whether the design of the website will be effective in executing the companies objectives.

So What is a Web Strategy?

A Web Strategy is a formulated plan to increase the effectiveness of both the website itself and the subsequent marketing efforts based on the results of the researchprocess that must take place first. Web strategies vary from client to client, as no two situations are the same. For some clients, a PPC campaign on Google targeting the relevant keyword phrases to their site is a solid option for driving a fair amount of traffic in a short period of time. Other clients are able to easily rank in the search engines organically due


to the lack of competition in their online space.

For some companies, social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are very good ways to drive traffic and engage their prospective visitors; for others however, the use of social media may be much less effective. Other tactics such as banner advertising, article marketing, email marketing, monthly newsletters, blogging, participating on LinkedIn, etc. are all going to apply to the strategy to varying degrees; some methods will be essential, while others will give less than ideal results.

Why Have a Strategy at All?

I once had a friend ask me for advice on how to build a website, as he was about to purchase the popular web development application Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 and he wanted some advice so that he could design a site to support a business he was starting.

I asked my friend, a cabinetmaker by trade if he would recommend that someone with no woodworking experience whatsoever go out and buy a stack of lumber and the fanciest, most expensive table saw he could get his hands on and go to town? Of course he wouldn’t. You don’t just buy some wood and start building cabinets; you have to have a plan.

The thing is, many if not most people who offer website design services simply create a website and turn it live. This service is relatively easy to execute what with all of the latest and greatest webpage creation software. An amateur person or college student with just a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS can create a pretty decent looking page in a relatively short period of time. In and of itself, these entities usually provide a decent bang for the relatively low prices they charge.


The problem is that most companies and web designers simply build a site, turn it live and hope for the best. They don’t put any forethought into how the users are going to interact with the site, what the user is looking for, how people are going to even find the site in the first place, etc. Furthermore, a lot of companies don’t even know why they need to have a website at all – other than the fact that everyone else has one and because Bill Gates says it’s important. This is especially true for small businesses who have already had a great deal of success without the aid of the Internet.

One of the most important things I tell clients is that a Web Strategy provides structure and direction, which is critical when deciding where to focus your marketing time and resources. Everyone already knows about Twitter and Facebook, but not everyone knows how to establish a presence within these tools, how they should be utilized, what they are not to be used for, etc. Same goes for methods like PPC and email marketing. While people may be familiar with the terms, and even may have a basic working knowledge of those mediums, if their website is severely underperforming, chances are they are not operating the most efficient and effective campaigns.

Another benefit of having a strategy is this: organization. I tell every single client that I have the pleasure of overwhelming with the mountain of information I supply at the strategy presentation this one very important nugget: It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the plethora of opportunities and tasks required to be successful. The thing to always keep in perspective is that this is not an overnight process, or a 30 day process, or even a 90 day process. Web marketing is a never ending cycle of promoting, engaging and enlightening your audience and clientele and doing so better than your competition. The thing to stay focused on is not the the giant task as a whole, but on keeping the momentum going. Always be doing something positive and always make the best use of your resources, and good things will happen for your business.